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As with any surgical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects associated with tubal ligation reversal. Some of the possible side effects include:

  1. Infection: Infection is a common side effect of any surgery, and tubal ligation reversal is no exception. Signs of infection include fever, redness, swelling, and discharge at the site of the incision.
  2. Bleeding: Some bleeding is normal after surgery, but excessive bleeding can be a sign of a complication.
  3. Scar tissue formation: Scar tissue can form around the site of the incision, which can cause pain and discomfort.
  4. Ectopic pregnancy: Reconnecting the fallopian tubes does not guarantee that a fertilized egg will make it to the uterus. Ectopic pregnancy, where the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus, is a potential risk of tubal ligation reversal.
  5. Failure to conceive: Even if the surgery is successful, there is no guarantee that a woman will be able to conceive. Factors such as age, overall health, and the presence of other fertility issues can all affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant.

It’s important to discuss the potential risks and side effects of tubal ligation reversal with a qualified healthcare provider before deciding to undergo the procedure.



Last Updated on February 25, 2023 by ingmin